A coder's home for Marc "Foddex" Oude Kotte, who used to be located in Enschede, The Netherlands, but now in Stockholm, Sweden!

Great loss.... :'(

Originally posted at Wed 05-12-2007 09:18:18, in the nerd stuff category.
I'd like to share some grave news with the world, with great pain in my heart. After more than 8 years of great service, being of old age yet of great experience, just now my beloved
Iiyama Vision Master Pro 450 22" CRT monitor

passed away. He was already suffering from a slightly malfunctioning display the last six months. Lately he also suffered severe seizures of Parkinson's disease.

His service was great, his competence unmatched, he was the greatest IT-related investment I ever made.

He will be missed, yet it's a great relief to know it's better for him now in Monitor-Walhalla.

So many beautiful memories

Please be gentle and respectful in replies.

-- Foddex

5 comment(s)

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On Wed 05-12-2007 09:31 Henry wrote: No words can express how you must feel.... Good luck
On Wed 05-12-2007 09:43 Syte wrote: You have my condolence and deepest symphaty.

Good luck in this difficult time.
On Wed 05-12-2007 11:18 uwog wrote: Liever had ik dit gedicht
niet geschreven niet de droeve woorden
van verdriet en van gemis

Maar door ze wel te schrijven
houden wij je levend
al blijf je komen en je gaan
een groot geheimenis.
On Thu 20-12-2007 11:25 henning wrote: my condolences
rest in peace
On Sat 19-01-2008 18:31 Rinse wrote: Mijn 10 jaar oude Iiyama Vision Master Pro 452 krijgt ook kuren en vermoed dat hij hetzelfde lot beschoren is...
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