A coder's home for Marc "Foddex" Oude Kotte, who used to be located in Enschede, The Netherlands, but now in Stockholm, Sweden!
PHP Lesson 1: TRUE and FALSE in PHP world
PHP is a truly wonderful language. Type safety is a non existent concept, yet the absence of it also allows you to perform wonderful hacks. In light of this a miniature lesson in PHP: what constitutes TRUE in PHP, and what FALSE? I'll answer this by answering what constitutes FALSE: everything else (and I literally mean
everything else) constitutes TRUE.
So why is this important? Many coders use code constructs like this:
$value = some_function();
if ($value)
If the
function returns a value of type
, then there is really no question: if
is returned,
will be executed, if
is returned it won't. But... what if an array is returned? A floating point value? A string? An empty string? An object? NULL? These values will all in some way be converted to a boolean value:
. The list below indicates what values in PHP are converted to
. As said, all other possible values not listed here will convert to
(type bool
(type int
, variations with more zero's as well)0.0
(type float
, variations with more zero's at either side of the dot as well)null
(the constant)""
(an empty string)"0"
(a string containing the digit 0)array()
(an empty array)
To test the above theory, try to execute the following:
foreach (array( false, 0, 0.0, null, "", "0", array() ) as $value)
if ($value)
echo "Oops, foddie was wrong";
Luckily for me, this will produce no output at all.... (at least in PHP 5 ;-))
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